Friday, April 1, 2011

The First Five Things on Friday...


The Jello trick was AWESOME. I almost blew it because I couldn't stop giggling as I served them their 'juice'. I think this worked so well because I brought out a pitcher of red juice and set it on the counter in front of the kids. Even after they realized they couldn't suck anything up through the straw, they kept trying, which cracked MC and I up.

Nope, this is not an April Fool's joke. For my very first Five Things on Friday, I thought I would share some of the great trick food ideas I found while scouring the Internet. Why was I intently searching for two days (no, really! I was) while freezing in my basement? Well, to fool my kids with some awesome April Fool's Day foods, of course!

The first thing I came upon was genius. Fill your child's cup with Jello and let it set overnight. I love the straw stuck in the Jello:

From Amy at

For a main course, may I suggest cupcakes? Mmmm, yummy! That is, if you're a fan of meatloaf and mashed potatoes...

Although I love both meatloaf and mashed potatoes, I have to admit that taking a bite of something I thought was going to be sweet and finding something meaty sounds...well, nasty. But funny! Is that so wrong?

From Julie at

Here's another 'dinner' that looks like a dessert. This one sounds tasty, but that just may be because I love anything having to do with pizza. This is made in a Bundt pan with mozzarella cheese melted on top to look like icing. Awesomeness!


From two dinners that looked like desserts we move on to two desserts disguised as dinner. First up is a 'grilled cheese sandwich' that is actually made from pound cake and icing.


That looks so real! I feel like warming up a bowl of tomato soup right now. Did anyone else have grilled cheese and tomato soup growing up? In our house it was the go to meal for something quick and easy. Next up: Spaghetti and meatballs anyone? Nope, this is butter cream frosting, strawberry ice cream sauce and malt balls. I think this would totally fool my kids. And they would love it!


I can't wait to see the kids' expressions when they try to drink their 'juice' tonight. Oh, and the Master Chef's... I kinda switched his dresser drawers around...

Happy April Fools Day!

2 awesome thoughts:

Crystal Pace said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay....this is hilarious! And I just have to, yes today, I became a 'follower'! Love ya Cpace

Kristin Marriott said... Best Blogger Tips

Well, hey...if you gotta follow someone, I'm glad it's me lol


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