Ah! Sweet spray paint, is there nothing you can't fix?
And by fix, I mean cover with your spray paint goodness…
Bitty B's smoky yellow ceiling fan? Now a crisp clean white. {Thank you spray paint!}
My shiny brass fireplace surround? Hidden behind a beautiful sheen of oil rubbed bronze. {Thank you spray paint!}
I'm not sure what the original color on my floor vent was, but it too is covered by oil rubbed bronze. {Thank you spray paint!}
I could go on and on, but instead I will share with you the story of my front porch. When we last saw my front porch, it was lookin’ a little sad.
Sad and Blah. And messy.
But I had a vision: A vision of a {clean} bright space that would welcome instead of causing my neighbors to raise their collective eyebrows at the crazy mess that was my front porch.
I decided to tackle the table first.
Hmm. Due to high humidity the day I disassembled the table, I had to quickly wipe the condensation off the lens of my camera and quickly take another picture before it fogged back over.
I removed all the legs and gave them a coat of Krylon’s white primer. Had I thought about it, I would have lightly sanded them first, but as usual I rushed straight in with the paint.
Because I have no patience, that’s why.
I then tried to remove the glass from the tabletop. When it was clear that the two pieces were NOT going to part easily, I decided to tape newspaper to the tabletop and just spray away.
But before I could do that, the wind ripped my newspaper OFF the tabletop. I briefly thought about going inside to find more, but the humidity had water-logged my brain and I started spraying away without the newspaper protecting the glass.
I was on a roll, people. Newspaper be darned!
Plus, I couldn’t wait to see the color I picked out for the table in all it’s spray painted glory.
So with my Krylon Satin Jade spray paint, I went to town on my primed table. After it dried, I pieced it back together, used Windex and a glass scraper to clean the paint off the glass and reveled in my bright new front porch:
I picked Jade because it reminded me of the color of the 1950’s metal patio sets that my neighbors had when I was growing up in rural Indiana.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Well, here ya go:
{I think every elderly relative had a set of these on their porch… : ) }
My new Jade table definitely brightens up the corner of my front porch. And a quick coat of Kryon’s white took care of the funky silver planter. This leaves me with just one question:
What color do I paint the chairs? ; )
Well, what do you think?